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Declaracion de Responsabilidadalex.bosacoma2022-03-27T16:28:56+00:00
- That 14 days ago of the sport activity my son/daughter / Que mi hijo/a durante los 14 días anteriores a la actividad deportiva:
- There are no symptoms compatible with covid-19 (fever, cough, respiratory distress, diarrhea …) or other infectious symptoms. / No presenta sintomatologia compatible al covid-19 (fiebre, tos, dificultat respiratoria, malestar, diarrea…) u otro cuadro infeccioso.
- Has not been tested positive or lived/has been in contact with someone tested positive of covid-19 or that have had compatible symptomatology / No ha dado positivo al covid-19 ni ha convivido/estado en contacto con persones que tengan o hayan tenido un positivo.
- Vaccinations updated / Tiene el calendario de vacuna al día.
- My son/daughter does NOT suffer any of the following sicknesses/ NO padece las siguientes enfermedades
Respiratory diseases that need medication or devices of support breathing/Enfermedades respiratorias graves que necesitan medicación o dispositivos de apoyo.
- Severe heart desease/ graves
- Diseases that affect at the immune system / Enfermedades que afectan al sistema inmunitario
- Diabetes not controlled/Diabetes mal controlada
- Neuromuscular deseases or encephalopathies/ Enfermedades neuromusculares o encefalopatías.
- That I will take the temperature of my son/daughter at home before going to school every day and that, in case of fever or any other COVID 19 symptoms, I will not take him/her to school. / Que tomaré la temperatura a mi hijo/a antes de salir de casa para ir al centro educativo y que, en el supuesto de que tenga fiebre o presente alguno de los síntomas compatibles con Covid-19, no asistirá al centro.
- That I will inform the school if there is any case of covid-19 case on family or relatives and not go to the school./ Que informaré al colegio si hay un caso cercano de COVID 19 y no iremos al centro educativo.
- I sign and declare my responsabilty on the information included on this document. Firmo y me declaro responsable de la información que contiene este documento.
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